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I Love Donation


I love Donation with La Conchita

There are many ways to join donation with La Conchita, and here are the list:
  1. Buy La Conchita Products (New Products). No matter how much money you've spent on La Conchita products, you have joined the donation program. All of La Conchita products have certain amount of donation percentage.
  2. Donate your unused fashion stuff to La-Conchita (Preloved Product), apparels, shawls, scarfs, accessories, etc. With certain conditions:
          --- Donation Product
  • It has to be minimal 90% of condition.
  • It can be new, second hand-new, or second-hand (used).
  • It has to be safe and free from viruses or bacteria (we will sterilize the donated stuff right away)
  • The donated products will be named after the donator.
  • The donated product will be displayed and offered for sale in La Conchita websites without changing its look.
  • 80% of the total sale will be donated and 20% of the rest is for the repairing and laundrying cost, administration, and packaging cost by La Conchita.
  • How to send: Call us for detailed information about the stuff complete with the previous price. Once your donation have arrived in our workshop, we will check and fix them to be sold back.
          --- Revamp Product
  • It has to be minimal 75% of condition.
  • It can be new, second hand-new, or second-hand (used).
  • It has to be safe and free from viruses or bacteria (we will sterilize the donated stuff right away)
  • The donated products will be named after the donator.
  • We will fix the current model and revamp it to be more attractive and wearable/useful.
  • 50% of the total sale will be donated and 50% of the rest is for the repairing and laundrying cost, administration, and packaging cost by La Conchita.
  • How to send: Call us for detailed information about the stuff complete with the previous price. Once your donation have arrived in our workshop, we will check the quality percentage and revamp or fix them to be sold back. 

La Conchita Donation Targets
We are supporting and contributing to positive programs for better environment and communities without intervention from people with different agenda. We will try to do donation directly to the underprivileged individuals (after doing a little research, of course) or contribute to different social programs. And here are La Conchita's donation targets:
  • Environment and Natural Life, we are participating to the effort of reducing the global warming effect by promoting the recycling programs, global warming prevention programs, reforestation by donating tree seedlings, and other environment-related campaigns.
  • Social-Related programs, we are also participating in different social related programs such as donating to people who are suffering from natural disasters, joining various education-related campaign for the underprivileged, joining the cancer prevention campaigns, etc.
La Conchita Donation Activities
We will publish the realization of donation program in this website to be checked by our donators. We will send the donation to our donation targets once we have achieved certain nominal. All things related to the donation program can be checked at the NEWS section.

Reports to Donator
We will send the selling result report of the "La Conchita Preloved Products" to the donators periodically (once in a month) complete with the donation documents. All donation activities will be documented and published at the NEWS section. The current donation amount will always be shown at La Conchita blog.

  • All of La Conchita programs are veritable. We will not take any charge to the donator. All of the donator's data will  not be disclosed without your permission.
  • The shortage of La Conchita team member delimit the amount of donation and the donated stuff. It is solely to keep the standard quality as a part of our service to both customers and donators.
  • We have full right to determine the percentage value of quality and condition of the donated stuff. We also have the right to determine the price of the Preloved Products.
  • Donated stuff cannot be asked back, but the donators can re-buy them as fixed or revamp products.
Best Regards,

La Conchita


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